The flesh that is not made by, of Word not only remains empty, it rots. Most people don't realize it's a temptation when you are offered not only drugs that can derange your mind and damage your brain, but also those that promise to fix your problem. I'm not calling doctors drug dealers, still they could be; it all depends on whether they themselves trust the matter, a substance, or the Mind who created it. Pharmacy and medicine are a work-around, a temporary fix that can be useful while you're working for the Solution. Any "thing" beyond that is a "religion". It's not hard to find out there the words that prove me right, from people "hoping" that it evolves and may be able to find a solution even to death.
Feed the hunger.
Fill the safes in the house with Wealth.
(I knew I had already heard that word somewhere else besides the "church" LOL)