segunda-feira, 3 de junho de 2024

The "Science" Tree

"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."

There is a wise simplicity and a foolish one.

What happens when the individual thinks Religion is too complex a Subject to understand? Go to the "church" and you'll see; he leaves the job to be done by the "religious" or the "theologian". Since he's got no time to waste if he wants a good fake job in the "future", he must start right away studying some other complex matter that looks more "interesting" for involving more "wealth" and "status". That is, the problem is never really the complexity; behind the bad cheer there is the worldly analysis of what you get in return, if it's worth your effort.

Well, "religion" is a lie, likewise "science"; the true One is not complex, it is deep. It's different when you sit there in Love with the Teacher. Don't you get It? It's about Relationship, not "knowledge".

You secretly believe that that "life" of a "priest" must be really boring, don't you? Don't worry, yours is and will be too, because you're in the same boat.

Be "merciful" and "judge" him not, because you're indulging in false pleasure too. And you know that repression is not the Way, that soon you'll be also searching for the "sex", tired of waiting.

She reveals me all good things, which I compare with the "good".

That's how I know what you cannot.