"And Jesus said unto him, Friend, wherefore art thou come? Then came they, and laid hands on Jesus and took him."
A not so theological interpretation that is widespread out there is that which "romanticizes" Judas. Did you know Jesus was calling him a "friend", an enemy of God there? He was stating He knew from the beginning, not only of his ministry but also of creation, Judas would not really believe. So when they say he could have repented, that's not true; only the chosen ones repent. He calls him a devil because of what he would do because of what he was doing because of who he was and would always be. When they say he was some political agent seeking to deliver Him into the hands of "men" so that He could use his Magic to finally deliver, set the people free from the roman empire, that's also far from being an accurate view of his intention. John writes that he was a thief, seeing his calling as an "opportunity" to search for "riches", not Wisdom. Do you really think the corrupt cares about anyone else besides himself? The condition and state of anyone who seeks his own "desire" is no Where true brotherhood exists.
How do you know you're not a child of the wicked one, when you think it's alright to be unsteady, seeking to possess "all" the world offers and obsessed with that plan, while you only pretend to be going after Her? Remembering to stand proud of your "self" and going to "church"?
You can't really know anything that way.