domingo, 2 de junho de 2024

Too Far Gone

1. I should never have prayed wishing for a different Life.

2. I should never have listened to supernatural testimonies.

This simple recipe is enough to ruin you for what all "friends" are looking for.

So, sometimes it can be a good thing to be born with your brain already damaged, making you feel like life is a bad and sad trip. If it wasn't for that, maybe I'd be forever looking to feel "better", never having the Chance to know I lacked the Love and the Glory. And to tell the Truth, I had already been suspecting it was more than that, an evil trip. When I got to the other Side, I realized my visions were real. And it's crazy when you meet people at temples who can't see the world is wicked, who still believe in "goodness". If you don't wholeheartedly believe you need a Savior to reconnect you to the Source and show you Good, you're in danger. It's easy to tell when a "christian" doesn't have the Holy Ghost; he not only can't see the Kingdom, but he also sees the world and its situation as not that bad. Like, the Scriptures say flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom, but maybe there's a chance after death, after ignoring the Word to the end, to purge yourself and go to Heaven, right? I wouldn't trust that "hope".